“Why are you here to kill a Black life?” Shouts Protester Outside Planned Parenthood

If only pro-lifers cared about Black kids the way they care about unborn Black children.

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Image for article titled “Why are you here to kill a Black life?” Shouts Protester Outside Planned Parenthood
Photo: Bob Korn (Shutterstock)

In a viral TikTok video, a Black woman records a protestor verbally harassing her in a Planned Parenthood parking lot, per the Daily Dot. “Do Black lives matter?” the woman shouts in the video. I’m sure this is only one of many situations where pro-birthers have gotten in a Black woman’s business. This incident just so happened to be caught on video.

TikTok user Raè got nearly 300,000 views on a video she recorded of a pro-choice protestor shouting at her. “I go to Planned Parenthood ONCE … I didn’t even go in?????” Raè wrote in the text of the video.


The woman in the background is heard shouting, “Do Black lives matter?”

Raè responds, “Yes, Black lives matter,” to which the protestor asks, “Why are you here to kill a Black life?”


First of all, not everyone who goes to Planned Parenthood is getting an abortion. Yet, some anti-choice advocates make it their mission to disturb anyone who dares to set foot on the property. According to CBS News, the Department of Homeland Security found an uptick in threats against abortion clinics.

More from CBS News:

The bulletin warned of an emerging “threat to government, religious, and reproductive healthcare personnel and facilities and ideological opponents” and marks the first intelligence bulletin explicitly issued to state and local law enforcement regarding abortion-related extremism in the wake of the opinion draft leak.

“The volume of violent threats targeting Supreme Court Justices, members of Congress, other public officials, clergy, healthcare officials and providers, and others associated with the abortion debate are likely to persist and may increase leading up to and following the issuing of the Court’s official ruling,” the bulletin added.


Per their website, Planned Parenthood also has a program for people to volunteer as escorts to keep clients from facing harassment while walking into the facility.

“These activists are exploiting and distorting the facts to serve their antiabortion agenda. They ignore the fundamental reason women have abortions and the underlying problem of racial and ethnic disparities across an array of health indicators,” said Susan A. Cohen from the Guttmacher Institute. “The truth is that behind virtually every abortion is an unintended pregnancy. This applies to all women—black, white, Hispanic, Asian and Native American alike.”