Who You Gonna Call This Weekend? How About the Ladies From Ghostbusters?

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When many people heard there would be a reboot of the Ghostbusters movie, reactions varied. There were those who felt it best to leave well enough alone, and those who were excited about it. Then it was announced that the reboot would include an all-female cast.

You would have thought they had just announced the end of the world. People were outraged. By “people,” I mainly mean those people who refer to themselves as "male-rights advocates." They took to social media to complain about the fact that they felt it was absurd to "ruin" the original concept with women. Right, "ruin."

They cried enough MRA tears to fill up the Hudson River, but that didn't matter. The movie is here and opens in theaters Friday.


The film, which was directed and executive-produced by Paul Feig, stars Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig, Kate McKinnon, Leslie Jones, Charles Dance, Michael Kenneth Williams and Chris Hemsworth.


How does one find the right funny people for a movie? Feig knew exactly what he was looking for. Feig cast McCarthy as Abby, Wiig as Erin, McKinnon as Holtzmann and Jones as Patty.


“I think the reason why Melissa is one of the most successful comedians working today is that she brings an everyman quality to her work,” said Ivan Reitman, producer of the original Ghostbusters film. “She brings great energy, great truth—she has a quality of being very funny and very real. People love her because she’s here to represent them.

Of McCarthy's role of Erin, Feig said she was already on board, and it actually led them to her Bridesmaids co-star. “Kristen’s name just kept coming up,” Feig said, “but I didn’t even know if she’d want to do it, because she’s been showing what a great actress she is in so many dramas lately. Then, out of the blue, my wife was talking to Kristen and she said, ‘Oh, I know Paul’s doing Ghostbusters, and if he’d ever want me to do any little part in it, I’d love to.’ That was music to my ears, because Kristen would be so good in this role. She’s really one of the funniest people in the world—she makes me laugh and always has.”


“For the role of Jillian Holtzmann, we needed an actress who could go outside the box,” Reitman stated. “I saw the extraordinary sketches in which Kate McKinnon plays Justin Bieber, and captures his essence in a totally original hilarious way. For Ghostbusters, she brings a unique, quirky, comedic energy to her role that is perfect! Kate is a comedic force to be reckoned with.”

For Patty's role, Feig said it finally hit him. “I first saw Leslie Jones do a ‘Weekend Update’ segment. About a minute into her bit, I sat up and said to my wife, ‘That’s one of our Ghostbusters,’” said Feig. “We met, and we bonded over the fact that we both started in standup at about the same time, in the 1980s. She’s such a big personality, but it’s sincere—she’s so passionate about everything she does. She commands the screen as Patty Tolan.”


It's Jones' character that immediately caught the ire of people when it was announced. Patty wasn't a scientist like the rest of her fellow Ghostbusters, but a transit worker, and many people wanted to know why.

The Root got a chance to sit down with McCarthy, Wiig, McKinnon, Feig and Jones in Miami to discuss the film, the controversy surrounding Jones' character, and how young boy and girl fans are now dressing up in Ghostbusters attire!


Leslie Jones and Kate McKinnon


Paul Feig


Melissa McCarthy and Kristen Wiig


Ghostbusters opens everywhere on Friday!