Who Says We Aren't Patriotic?

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(The Root) — Though we're notorious for being very vocal about how we're not celebrating patriotic holidays like the Fourth of July, there are still those among us who have a bit of red, white and blue in our hearts.

Friday is Flag Day, a holiday that commemorates the adoption of the American flag. It's also considered the birthday of the U.S. Army. Though it's not an official federal holiday, many celebrate it across the nation, and on Twitter.

Black folks got in on the online lauding and celebrating, too. Here are a few Flag Day tweets from Cousin Larry and Aunt Ruth.


Happy 238th birthday. Too the united states army .. . On this holiday we call flag day my mom is a vet of the army ans my brother serving ..

— ashley gandy (@armygirl90) June 14, 2013


Today's June 14!! Happy Flag Day!! http://t.co/q0MIxnxDw9

— Forever Harlem!!!! (@SimplySoHarlem) June 14, 2013

Today is Nat'l Bourbon Day and Flag Day, which means it's America Is Awesome Day. Happy America Is Awesome Day folks! #flagday #bourbonday

— Whitney J. Waters (@Whitney_Waters) June 14, 2013


Tracy Clayton is a writer, humorist and blogger from Louisville, Ky.