Who Needs a Patti Pie When There Are #LegendaryDivaDesserts?

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Editor’s note: This article contains social media posts that some may find offensive.

Everybody and their mama wants a piece of Patti LaBelle’s pies. The sweet potato pies have been flying off Wal-Mart's shelves ever since a YouTube review went viral. LaBelle’s pies, which’ll run you about $5 in the store, have hit eBay and are going for upward of $30.

But what if there were other R&B divas out there with their own pies? What would they be called or even taste like?


After the popularity of LaBelle’s pies hit the Internet, Antoine Tate saw an opportunity to make people laugh, and with the magic of Photoshop and his sense of humor, he created several pie memes that have been shared close to a million times.


The memes, appropriately called #LegendaryDivaDesserts, are not only hilarious but oh so shady. So where did Tate get his inspiration from, besides LaBelle’s pies? The Internet, of course.


“I remembered a YouTube series called Got 2 B Real from ‘Patti LaHelle.’ It featured older divas and new pop divas throwing shade at each other. It was hilarious. So I decided to create memes where other divas throw shade at Patti by developing their own desserts. I laughed hysterically in Starbucks while making them,” Tate tells The Root.

And the rest is meme history.

When Tate isn’t making memes and cracking jokes, he’s hanging out all over social media. He creates skits, award shows and video blogs. But he doesn’t see an end to his diva dessert series anytime soon.


“I didn’t expect the #LegendaryDivaDesserts to catch on so quickly, but I knew while making it that I wanted to make it a miniseries. People have already started requesting other artists. So expect your favorite legendary divas to make an appearance,” Tate says.