#WhiteGirlsRock Trends, Racists Continue to Be Boring

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Black Girls Rock, an annual awards show that honors the accomplishments of black girls and women, aired last night on BET.

And just like the White History Month and White Entertainment Month supporters before them, trolls took to Twitter to annoyingly and rhetorically ask, "What about #WhiteGirlsRock?!" the implication being that if such a thing existed, people would call it all sorts of racist. (And those people would be right, actually.)

The Black Twitter takedown of this kind of foolishness is always the best part. They eventually took over the hashtag, reminding #whitegirlsrock defenders to kindly have a seat.


If by the off chance you've come to this site and you really don't understand why White History Month, White Entertainment Television or #WhiteGirlsRock are racist, read this by Olivia A. Cole.


Goodbye. Until next year! Or until next February …

Akoto Ofori-Atta is the editor of The Grapevine. Like her Facebook page and follow her on Twitter.


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If you want to see what's hot on black Twitter, check out The Chatterati.Akoto Ofori-Atta is the editor of The Grapevine. Like her Facebook page and follow her on Twitter.