It’s not the most groundbreaking story: a white woman in New York City has been caught on camera calling a Black person the n-word.
In this case, the woman in question unleashed the racism against a bakery worker who wouldn’t serve her the bagels she was demanding because she was not donning a mask.
The New Yorkers in line told her to move on because the worker was not going to serve her.
“Why? Because he’s a bitch-ass nigger?” she snottily responded. And with that, it was made clear the woman—who identified herself to NY Daily News as Stephanie Denaro—meant to be a racist provocateur of the most basic order.
“That’s what he is, a bitch-ass n-word, I just said it, you heard it!” Denaro gloated after the other customers around her reacted accordingly to her deploying a slur at a young man just doing his job. She appears to get some sort of pleasure from dropping the racist slur in a bid to denigrate a Black human being—which, again isn’t the most groundbreaking story.
But what is uniquely disturbing about this Karen attack is that the Karen in question is spewing her racism in the presence of children—her own—who seem to be part Black themselves.
Speaking to the NY Daily News, Denaro defended calling the Black worker the n-word, saying “You’re a bitch-ass n-word [is] a term they use. All of my children have a Black father. That’s a term I’ve heard them use all my life.”
While you may already be cringing, a scroll through Denaro’s Instagram page will immediately increase your sense of disturbance.
“Happy Columbus Day from people who wouldn’t exist if not for the Trans Atlantic Slave trade,” she captioned a picture of her children.
The rest of Denaro’s page shows that the woman apparently regularly goes out into the streets of New York City provoking public confrontations with bus drivers, police officers, and grocery store workers because she refuses to wear a mask, as well as speaking at MAGA rallies and anti-lockdown protests, and even getting into arguments with women of color concerned about the welfare of her children.
She engages in most of these confrontations with her half-Black children in tow—almost using them as a shield from accountability and certainly subjecting the vulnerable babies to untold adverse experiences as they watch their mother repeatedly be irate, aggressive and straight-up racist.
“The baby comes first, not you,” says a woman in one of the videos Denaro posted on her Instagram (which she falsely commented, “Black woman stole my baby and assaulted me.”)
Don’t have babies with racists, people.