Marjorie Taylor Greene continues to prove that she’s not just incredibly hateful but also an extremely proud moron. When she’s not mimicking Mexican accents or calling Democrats “pedophiles,” Greene—in classic Karen fashion—perpetually victimizes herself. Sadly, her latest comments are no different.
After an exchange with Democratic congressman Jamaal Bowman that happened in front of the Capitol Wednesday (May 17), Greene got on her far-right high horse during a press conference and thought it was ok to say that being called a white supremacist is equivalent to being called the N-word—a page taken from the white supremacy playbook itself.
“Jamaal Bowman [was] shouting at the top of his lungs, cursing, calling me a horrible — calling me a white supremacist, which I take great offense to. That is like calling a person of color the N-word, which should never happen. Calling me a white supremacist is equal to that. And that is wrong,” Greene stated.
She continued to prove how much of a bigot she is by stating that Bowman was “yelling, shouting, raising his voice” and that “he has aggressive — his physical mannerisms are aggressive.” Greene continued: “I think there’s a lot of concern about Jamaal Bowman, and I am concerned about it. I feel threatened by him.”
Of course, painting Black people as violent, dangerous and aggressive is what white people have done for centuries in order to capitalize off of our existence. Bowman said as much when he addressed Greene’s speech.
“Throughout history, Black men have continually been characterized as aggressive because, one, of our skin color, but two, because we happen to be outspoken and passionate about certain issues,” Bowman said. He also said that he never invaded Greene’s personal space, which she also claimed.
“Anyone who has interacted with me, anyone who knows me, any reporters here know I’m middle school principal energy. I’m teacher energy. I’m always loving and engaging and friendly, except when kids are being killed in our streets. Everyone should be outraged about that,” he said.
Greene will continue to cry white woman tears in an effort to distract from how dangerous the GOP is. Their party is about oppressing and terrorizing people of color—this is just the latest example of how ruthlessly they function.