What in the world would possess a white woman who doesn’t really care for or about black people to enroll in a law school program at a historically black college in North Carolina? What would possess that same woman to go on Facebook and make racist comments using the n-word that her classmates would be able to see? And why on earth would that woman post on Facebook that she wishes she could take credit for the package bombs that were mailed to various opponents of Donald Trump last month?
These questions and more should be asked of Morgan Kendall—the white woman in question. Kendall is a 3rd-year law student at North Carolina Central University, one of our nation’s HBCUs. WRAL reports that her fellow students are asking that she be expelled from the school after some questionable and racist comments she has posted on her personal Facebook account.
In a Facebook comment responding to another person lamenting about racism and black people being called the n-word, being jumped for being black and being unable to carry a gun because they are black, Kendall wrote “But that nigger can still vote, drive and go to school, right? Not racism.”
When others voiced their concern that she had used the n-word and called her out for it, she responded “Why can one person type nigger and another not? Are you racist?”
In another post that linked to a news story about the package bombs sent to the Clintons, the Obamas, CNN and others, Kendall posted a comment saying she wished she could take credit for the package bombs.
Understandably, her fellow students were upset and concerned. They took their concerns to the school administration, saying they feared for their safety with Kendall on campus.
Law school Dean Elaine O’Neal and campus police Chief Fred Hammett met with a group of students behind closed doors on Thursday. They were told that Kendall would not be allowed to return to campus this week, but she would be allowed to return to her classes on Monday.
Law student Anastasia Mebane told WRAL “The sentiment from the room was that’s not an adequate response considering the fear to public safety.
The students told WRAL that if the school doesn’t take action against Kendall quickly, there will be protests on campus.
“I think she should be kicked out of law school,” Jazemine McSween told WRAL. “I just don’t think it’s fair that someone with those sentiments to receive a degree from this school that was founded by the very people that she has disrespected multiple times.”