Omarosa Manigault Newman Foster Brown Phyllis Hyman left the White House the way that she’s left every house in her life; amid flames and all kinds of rumors.
She was the head of Trump’s African American Outreach until she was fired in 2017, but the post had been vacant since because, truthfully, who can fill Omarosa’s shoes? And, more importantly, who can be expected to bring in the whopping 8 percent of the African American vote the way TV’s most famous black villainess did in 2016?
Well, Nicole Frazier says “Hold my Lime-a-Rita.”
According to Axios, the White House Office of Public Liaison has hired Frazier, Colorado Sen. Cory Gardner’s regional director, in Omarosa’s old position, and it’s only become important because Trump is looking to boost his numbers among African Americans in 2020. While every black person in America knows that this is an impossible task, especially because the president of the United States has literally done nothing to even remotely endear himself to black voters, it will be interesting to see what Frazier does in this position. My assumption is—and this could be presumptuous—that she does nothing. I can’t imagine that 8 percent number moving one hair.
There are only so many Paris Dennards in America and my assumption is that number is 8 percent.
Axios notes that someone named Henry Childs II took over Omarosa’s position, and was doing the job until he became the Commerce Department national director of the Minority Business Development Agency in September. He was doing both jobs because, who are we kidding, the head of African-American outreach doesn’t do shit.
Speaking of Paris Dennard, the former White House director of Black Outreach for President George W. Bush, texted Axios: “I’m glad President Trump was able to identify such a capable person in Nicole, to serve in OPL for this incredibly important position....It’s a good thing to have another African American at the table in the White House as our advocate and I stand ready to help her succeed.”
Thank you, Paris, the leader of the 8 percent.