White House Easter Will Be Transparent, Web Driven Celebration

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The Obama administration is announcing that this year’s traditional Easter egg roll on the South Lawn of the White House will be run in Web 2.0 style. From the news release:

For the first time, tickets for the Easter Egg Roll will be distributed online so that more children and families from across the United States have the opportunity to experience this event. Tickets will no longer be distributed on the Ellipse the weekend before the event. Tickets and more information about the ticketing process will be available through www.whitehouse.gov/eastereggroll

This is a big part of the White House’s pledge to be more transparent, opening up the residence (FLOTUS Michelle Obama invited middle schoolers to help her plant a garden on Friday, and official White House tours began last month) at the same time that the first family engages with the district and the country as a whole (see POTUS’s trips to the Ben's, the Kennedy Center, California, Indiana and Ohio).


The social secretary’s office has already mentioned plans to create an online auction process for state dinners and other formal events—another good sign for those regular folks hoping to rub elbows with the president in “the people’s house.”



Covers the White House and Washington for The Root. Follow her on Twitter.
