White House Budget Director: Don’t Like Trumpcare in Your State? Change Your State

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White House Office of Management and Budget Director Mick Mulvaney has been working tirelessly to push this bullshit Republican health care bill through the House.

When grilled by CBS This Morning about the 10 essential health benefits (EHBs), including maternity care and mental-health and substance-abuse treatment, that were covered under Obamacare but would be cut from the Trumpcare plan, Mulvaney offered this sage advice: If you don’t like what your state offers, move.

That’s right. Mulvaney’s solution for this new health care bill is to give control over EHBs back to the states and that for those living in a state that doesn’t offer, say, maternity provisions or mental-health care, their option is to leave that state. That’s health care under President TrumPutin.


“If you live in a state that wants to mandate maternity coverage for everybody, including 60-year-old women, that’s fine,” Mulvaney told the news program, Talking Points Memo reports.


CBS This Morning co-host Alex Wagner asked Mulvaney what about those who do not live in a state that requires maternity coverage.


“Then you can figure out a way to change the state that you live in,” Mulvaney replied.

When pressed about whether he was asking people to move, Mulvaney moonwalked into an equally assholic response.


“No, they can try to change their own state legislatures and their state laws,” he responded. “Why do we look to the federal government to try and fix our local problems?”

Read more at Talking Points Memo.