White Army Drill Sergeant Arrested in South Carolina for Refusing to Leave Store During 'Black Lives Don't Matter' Rant

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John Walter Miles
John Walter Miles
Photo: Sumter Police Department

I’m just going to go ahead and confess something right now: I really enjoy watching angry white people lose their shit over the “racism” of Black Lives Matter.

They don’t understand the movement because they view the world through a very white lens, and they want desperately to believe American racism died in the ‘60s, so now that BLM is a mainstream concept, you could run a water park the size of West Africa on the flow of white tears they produce. Y’all can waste your time arguing with them if you want; I’m going to buy myself a Slip-n-Slide.


Anyway, a white U.S. Army drill sergeant recently got his extra salty-ass arrested in Sumter, S.C. after he refused to leave a grocery store that refused to sell him liquor, according to WBTV 3.


For reasons unknown to Black people like me who don’t give a single, solitary fuck about fragile white feelings, the man, who has been identified as 27-year-old John Walter Miles, launched into a drunken rant about how Black Lives Matter “is the most racist fucking thing we’ve ever fucking seen.”


Now, if I was to bother arguing with the fake-oppressed melanin-nots, I might be inclined to point out how ridiculous it is that anyone would consider BLM to be “the most racist fucking thing we’ve ever fucking seen,” despite America’s history of slavery and Jim Crow as well as the current issue of police officers shooting Black people like it’s negro open season. But, again, I don’t argue with them, I just quench my thirst on the bottomless open bar of white tears that they are perpetually kind enough to provide us with. (Also, I can’t take anything seriously coming from a white man whose first, middle and last names are really just three first names. It just gives off big James Earl Ray energy.)


“Guess what—all lives fucking matter. Black lives don’t fucking matter,” Miles can be heard saying in video footage of the incident because obviously, a bigot with three first names isn’t going to be smart enough not to string two sentences together that clearly contradict each other.

Miles damn near knocked the store’s automatic doors off the hinges while resisting the crowd that was trying to force his dumb ass out. But Klanneth McBlame-it-on-the-alcohol continued singing songs from the soundtrack of Wypipo Proverbs including No. 1 hits like, “Will Someone Please Think of the White Lives” and “Bitch, I Got a Black Friend.”


“What about goddamn brown lives matter? What about white lives matter? How about everybody else? Guess what—all you Black fucks are goddamn racist mother fuckers,” he can be heard saying before informing the crowd that he “has a goddamn Black kid in goddamn Georgia,” which he thinks proves he’s “not a racist mother fucker.”

Anyway, officials at Fort Jackson, where Miles is stationed, released a statement saying that the Department of Justice is investigating the incident and that the Richland County Sheriff’s Department has confirmed that Miles has been charged for his behavior.


According to Newsweek, Miles has been charged with aggravated breach of peace and trespassing.


He should also be charged with spilling an ocean-sized puddle of white tears all over the premises. I’m just saying; it’s a safety concern.