Time grows nigh/ for 2009.
What are you going to do in the new year?
Pop' Africana has an app for that. Actually, it's just a list and The Buzz commented on a few list favorites in italics.
1.Learn French
Given the money flow, a Chinese dialect or two couldn't hurt either.
5. Always buy two of anything you love.
Except cars. Or foods that make you round.
7. Spend less time on face book and more time reading our blog :)
Or you could read The Root every day. No pressure.
9.See your favorite artist in concert, 2009 made it clear no artist is above death and we lost a few that even we hadn’t seen perform live which is really sad.
Unless of course your favorite artist sounds better on a recording which is…a lot of the cats out these days.
12. Make a wine vintage. Store one or two away for later, 20 years later.
Not bad to have a craft outside of speed on the BlackBerry.
13. Write and send hand written letters.
This doesn't have to be limited to flying kites to your people up north.
16. Say No! to hard perscription drugs.
You probably can't afford them anyway.
Are you up to it?