It’s a damn shame when you put up folks in your home and they — literally — piss all over it. That’s the charge NBA great Scottie Pippen is making in a lawsuit he’s filed against lawyer-turned-standup comic Lindsay Glazer Woloshin and her family — including her 5-year-old — whom he accuses of trashing his Florida mansion.
Pippen’s apparently so outraged he has gone so far as to officially add the 5-year-old kid’s name to the 2-year-old legal battle, calling Glazer Woloshin and dad Jacob Woloshin failed parents, the Miami Herald reports.
In response, the Woloshins’ lawyer Marc A. Kuperman is like, “now, you ain’t had to bring the baby into all this.” But according to Pippen’s amended lawsuit, the child went HAM with the crayons and the markers, defacing his property, which has a market value of $10 million, the Herald explains.
In addition, Pippen charges, the family is accused of “allowing animals to pee on anything they chose, damaging the front gate and destroying ‘countless cabinets and drawers,’” the Herald reports.
Pippen seeks $109,317.62 for the hurt he says the Woloshins, their kid, their Lab dog and a cat put on his six-room mansion.
The whole thing started in 2017 when Pippen rented the fully furnished palatial pad to the family, who needed temporary housing after their home was damaged in Hurricane Irma.
Glazer Woloshin paid a $50,000 security deposit, but Pippen says that amount doesn’t even come close to all the damage done.
The Woloshins’ attorney Kuperman acknowledges “some damage” may have been done to Pippen’s home — but not as much as what Pippen alleges.
Humph. All I can is: A mess. Just a mess — literally.