(The Root) — Will and Jada sure did make some angst-y kids.
First Willow sang a very beautiful song about how hard life is for a wealthy 12-year-old. Now her brother is tweeting confusing, nonsensical thoughts that probably do sound deep to a 15-year-old.
Among his ruminations are comments like, "If everybody in the world dropped out of school we would have a much more intelligent society" and "How can mirrors be real if our eyes aren't real." If Jaden's dream is to be a cerebral spoken-word artist, he's off to a pretty good start.
My favorite, though, is this one: "If newborn babies could speak they would be the most intelligent beings on planet earth." This is hilarious because it isn't true at all. If newborns could talk, they'd probably be all, "Oh my goodness, what is that thing?! What about that thing over there?! This is terrifying!!"
Take a look at more of young Jaden's wisdom below.
Read more at Yahoo.
Tracy Clayton is a writer, humorist and blogger from Louisville, Ky.