Updated 01/12/2024 at 2:58 p.m. ET:
Kevin Hart is taking the high road when it comes to his ex-wife’s business endeavors.
As we all know, just last week Katt Williams absolutely eviscerated all of his competition during a lengthy sit-down interview with Shannon Sharpe on his “Club Shay Shay” podcast. Among the comedians he went after, Hart was one of them.
When speaking on Hart, Williams went at his entire origin story, claiming that he was an “industry plant.”
He stated, “In 15 years in Hollywood, no one in Hollywood has a memory of going to a sold-out Kevin Hart show…there being a line for him, him getting a standing ovation at any comedy club. He already had his deals when he got here…what do you think a plant is?”
Hart responded on ESPN’s “NBA Unplugged” last week with a little sarcasm by suggesting Katt exaggerates: “Another fun fact about the New York Knicks... Katt Willams bought the Knicks. It’s rumored that he took the Knicks back, returned them with a receipt.”
He later added, “Known fact, Katt Williams has an NBA basketball court in his living room... he’s the first to embrace a true hardwood floor.”
Watch the full clip below:
Ladies and Gentlemen, we have beef.
Instead of firing back with words, Williams just got Hart’s ex-wife, Torrei, to join him on his “Dark Matters” tour. While it might sound like a random collaboration, Torrei is an accomplished comedian in her own right.
On Monday, Torrei posted wrote on Instagram, “#Charlotte #Orlando #Tampa, come see me live with my good friend @kattwilliams on the Dark Matters tour.”
Despite the way Kevin may feel about Williams, he isn’t too angry about his ex-wife and enemy going on tour together. In a short run-in with TMZ on Tuesday, the popular comedian said, “I want everybody to win. I hope the tour is great.”
In the same breath, Torrei has no ill feelings towards her ex-husband and said her collab with Williams has nothing to do with their beef. During her run-in with TMZ the same day, she stated, “Kevin loves everybody, right? So there’s no beef.”
When asked if she was brought on tour to make Kevin upset, she answered, “Why would he do that? Me and Katt are friends, we go back like 20 years. We’re so close to the point where Katt babysat my dog.”
There we have it folks. It seems that Kevin and Torrei are on cordial terms.