Barack Obama and Warren Buffett are kin folk. From Yahoo News:
According to their family trees, the two men who at times shared the stage together during the 2008 presidential campaign are seventh cousins three times removed.
Genealogists at announced on Tuesday that Obama and Buffett are related through a 17th century Frenchman named Mareen Duvall.
According to the online genealogists, Duvall — who immigrated to Maryland from France in the 1650s — is Obama's 9th great grandfather and Buffett's 6th great grandfather.
The discovery was made by accident when the same team of genealogists who had researched Obama's family tree went on to investigate details about Buffett's relatives.
"We recognized the name Duvall and it made us wonder if this was a connection," said Anastasia Tyler, the lead researcher on the project. "So we started focusing on Duvall."
"We're always looking for a way to show how interesting family history is. Like this, when you start finding similarities in family trees," Tyler said in an interview. "The tree leads you in directions you don't expect."