It’s good to know Wendy Williams has finally set herself free from years of what appeared to be a very unhappy and unhealthy marriage to Kevin Hunter Sr., but of course, divorce can be quite complicated.
According to TMZ (via law enforcement sources), things have gotten extra heated as Williams’ son, Kevin Hunter Jr., was arrested for allegedly assaulting his father. Apparently, a fight broke out between the 18-year-old and his dad on Wednesday morning, before police were called.
Reports TMZ:
Sources with knowledge of the argument say Kevin Sr. has urged his son for a long time to carve his own path to success. We’re told things bubbled over Tuesday night when the conversation continued, and Sr. told Jr. he needed to work hard on his own and without Wendy’s handouts.
“I love my son very much and I will not be pursuing this matter legally. Things are not always how they appear,” Williams’ estranged husband reportedly told TMZ.
As The Root previously reported in April, Williams recently filed for divorce from Hunter after almost 21 years of marriage.
Following her transparent announcement that she had been staying at a sober house for the duration of her break from her popular daytime talk show, Williams also announced a PSA for a new substance abuse hotline under The Hunter Foundation.
Williams and Hunter co-founded the nonprofit in 2014. Given the divorce proceedings, of course, one may be wondering about the future of the foundation. Hunter Sr. released a statement on the matter.
“Although The Hunter Foundation in its current form will dissolve, the important work will live on,” Hunter Sr. said in a statement via press release. “I plan on launching a new foundation in the near future to continue the important mission in helping those struggling with drug addiction and substance abuse. In regards to the partnership with T.R.U.S.T. and the resource hotline 888-5HUNTER, the call center will go on a brief hiatus beginning May 31st. Since launching in early-March, the hotline has received over 13,000 phone calls and has connected nearly 900 individuals to some level of treatment and care. We will work to partner with other reputable organizations to get the hotline back up and running so that we can continue changing lives.”