Here’s a question: Why is Wendy Williams still here?
She stays putting her foot in her mouth, saying the wrong thing at the wrong time about the wrong people—yet, she continues to get a pass. Why?
We are only on the third day of Black History Month, and yo mama is out here fucking it up for everybody (in my D.L. Hughley voice) talking shit about Beyoncé and Jay-Z because they did not stand for the national anthem at the Super Bowl yesterday.
Although they have yet to make their reasons public, one can only guess that it is related to the same reasons Colin Kaepernick kneeled—racial injustice is still a thing, and that national anthem does not apply nor does it mean a thing for anybody black in this country. PERIODT.
Now, I know white people are going to show up in the comments to tell me I am wrong and it is meant for everyone, and I am here to say that you will be making those arguments from the grays or otherwise being ignored, because I said what I said—and so did a lot of other black people, too.
I’m living my best life, so I ain’t going back and forth with you niggas.
Anyway, what did the world’s biggest goofy do?
She got on her television show with her new Ivy Park x Adidas dress on and said very loudly and wrongly that Bey and Jay were wrong and should have stood for the anthem. She then hinted that if they don’t like our country, they can leave.
Well, I never.
Wendy has some nerve. I’m sure you have more important things to focus on, ma’am, rather than trying to score brownie points by criticizing people for doing what is in their hearts.
Anyway, I can’t believe you just made me defend Jay-Z, who I already disagreed with because of this whole NFL partnership thing anyway, but here the fuck we are.
In summation:
Dear Wendy Williams, please shut the fuck up.
That’s it. That’s the post.