If you whitewashing a TLC hit, oh yes, Weezer, I’m talking to you...
Rock band Weezer recently released an album full of cover songs, and while the tracklist included Black Sabbath and A-Ha, one particular song by T-Boz, Chilli and Left Eye stood out.
That’s right, “No Scrubs.”
Sidenote: I googled “No Scrubs” for this piece and at the time of this article’s posting, Google lists the lyrics for “Creep” instead. Les sighs.
Naturally, everyone on Twitter was like, “the fuck?” You know, maybe Weezer read Michael Harriot’s list of black songs that are off-limits, and when they didn’t see the TLC hit listed were like, “bet.” They thought they were in the clear.
Plus, “No Scrubs” is vastly mainstream. It’s far beyond saving from appropriation at this point. Now, let’s see if they do an alternative rock version of “No Pigeons” and we’ll get back to you. It was a wack comeback, anyway.
I wonder, though: What would the “If you don’t have a car and you’re walking...” bridge look like for song gentrifiers?
If you don’t have a Prius and you’re using a rent-a-scooter, oh yes Chad, I’m talkin’ to you / If you live at home with your Alexa, oh yes Billy, I’m talkin’ to you / If you have a labradoodle that you don’t show love, oh yes Tanner, I’m talkin to you / Wanna get Boba tea with no money, oh no? I don’t waaaant no —
Notice how the lyrics don’t quite match up with the beat. Intentional. Art.
But, let’s take a look at the rest of the tracklist, which is pretty whitey mcwhiterson. They take on Toto’s “Africa” and Michael Jackson’s “Billie Jean,” too.
Ah well, Kandi Burruss is getting her coins.