Watch This: Obama's New 'Hipster Fedora'

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The economy is looking up, so it's harder to make the old "bad leader" argument. It's not surprising, then, that Republicans are back to the "he's stuck up"-themed criticism of President Obama. And they're still doing it with a straight face.

Last week Obama was a "snob" for wanting all Americans to have the opportunity to go to college. This week he's a latte-drinking hipster in a fedora, according to Republican Utah Sen. Orrin Hatch.

In comments to Congress about energy policy, Hatch criticized Obama for favoring liberal elites over blue-collar workers. "President Obama has traded in the 'hard hat and lunch bucket' category of the Democratic Party for the hipster fedora and a double skim latte," he said.


Watch the video here, courtesy of C-SPAN.

Read more at Mediaite.

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