Watch This: I'm Dreaming of a White President

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Wait, wait. Cool down. We know everyone is up in arms about real-life unbelievable political statements this week, but this one is just satire (of course, that's not to say it isn't echoed in certain threads of actual American opinion).

From Slate:

Today, Randy Newman weighs in on the racial subtext of our presidential politics, and, as you might expect from the writer of "Short People," "Political Science" and "Rednecks," he doesn't hold back. His new song, "I'm Dreaming," which you can hear below — and which is available as a free download — is sung in the voice of a narrator who's not just unreliable but … well, here's the refrain: "I'm dreaming of a white President / Just like the ones we've always had." (In case we miss the reference to Irving Berlin's "White Christmas, Newman throws in a der Bingle-esque "buh buh buh" toward the end of the number.)

Read more at Slate.
