A horrifying video has gone viral on social media showing a grown man attacking a student in the hallways of a school. What’s even more shocking is what the police revealed about the alleged attacker.
In the video, the man is seen grabbing the student by his neck and dragging him toward the staircase. The man then slams the boy onto the stairs. In a frightening scene, the boy’s body begins to shake uncontrollably as if he’s having a seizure. Two students then attempted to separate the man from him.
The video then shows two school staff members intervene as the student is helped to his feet.
The man was then escorted out of the school while he continued yelling toward the student, the video shows. Fike High School Principal Ross Renfrow said in a statement the incident was between a 17-year-old student and a parent who “assaulted the student based on a situation that happened outside of school,” via USA TODAY.
What situation? You ask.
According to a Facebook post from another parent who said his daughter attended Fike High, a female student pulled the victim’s hair out before he pushed her off of him and told her to stop. The post went on to say the two fell to the ground and the female student threatened to tell her father of the situation. However, the post claimed she never mentioned what she did to the boy before her dad showed up ready for all the smoke.
“So basically, she lied on the boy and let her dad in the school,” the post read, in reference to the incident.
The Wilson County Sheriff’s Office further identified the parent suspect as 43-year-old Quinton Lofton, who was charged with felony assault by strangulation and disorderly conduct. That’s not even the worst of it: Police records show Lofton was previously charged with four counts of felony child abuse-sexual acts and two counts of taking indecent liberties with a child across incidents dating back to 2020.
Lofton was arrested and detained in Wilson County Detention Center but was bailed out of a $7,500 bond after a few hours. Meanwhile, the teen is still shook by the whole ordeal.
“He’s pretty traumatized right now. He’s very shaken up by the whole event that took place this morning,” the teen’s sister, Shaniqua, said via WRAL News. “He’s pushing through. He’s trying to, you know, remain positive through the whole situation.”