WATCH THIS: African Americans for Obama

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The Obama campaign is kicking off Black History Month by focusing on the future of the White House — specifically, with a new effort to gauge, mobilize and get out the vote of the black community.

It has launched the African Americans for Obama program with a video that will go out to thousands of supporters this afternoon. In it President Obama urges, "We've got to decide what kind of country we want to be," and encourages African Americans to get involved, "from attending HBCU organizing workshops to becoming a 'congregation captain.' "

Watch a sneak peek here:

In the coming months, the campaign plans to target African-American supporters and recruit volunteers with the support of groups including business leaders and members of civic organizations, barbershop and beauty-salon owners and HBCU students.


This effort will be run by Stefanie Brown, who recently joined the campaign's Operation Vote team as the African-American-vote director. Operation Vote's mission is to expand the electorate and maximize participation from crucial constituencies — including African Americans — by reaching them wherever they are.  

Read more at African-Americans for Obama.

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