WATCH: Taraji P. Henson Fields a Really Weird Interaction With a 'Fan,' But Vivica A. Fox Isn't Having It!

After a strange encounter with Taraji, this one man got put in his place by Vivica.

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Image for article titled WATCH: Taraji P. Henson Fields a Really Weird Interaction With a 'Fan,' But Vivica A. Fox Isn't Having It!
Photo: Stephanie Augello, Neilson Barnard (Getty Images)

Celebrities are used to dealing with crazed fans, but one man is catching heat after a series of weird celebrity encounters is making its way around the internet. It all started when the man named Israel approached actress Taraji P. Henson outside of a hotel while she was headed to the Essence Women in Hollywood gala on Feb. 27.

In video clip shared by @shotbyj0sh on TikTok, Henson is walking to a vehicle without security. That’s when Israel decided it was his moment to shine. “You’re very dazzling,” Israel told the actress before explaining that his “homeboy got a book for a Black superhero woman” that she should check out. Before he could finish his pitch, Henson interrupted him saying she couldn’t take the book. “I can’t take that… it’s a legal thing. You understand?” she said to Israel.


“Can I at least get a picture? Thank you for being honest,” the man responded. “She said she can’t be in contact with your foolishness,” he continued jokingly to his friend. While snapping a few flicks with the “Hidden Figures” actress, Israel also strangely whispered to her “Ms. Henson, when we gon’ meet again?” but was ignored by the movie star.


If you think that was the end of things, you’d be sadly mistaken... From there, Israel continued talking to Henson, who was clearly focused on trying to get to her destination. “My queen, I’m your body guard... What you need me to do,” he continued. “Nothing babe,” Henson politely responded.

On TikTok, folks responded calling the interaction out of line. “I wish ppl would read the room and see when folks don’t want to be bothered,” @bkaleen wrote. Another user, @pr3tty_pickles, added “It’s sad cause it’s literally all a bunch of groupie men basically harassing her. They see this woman is alone and they’re taking advantage.”


Little did we all know this wouldn’t be the last time we’d be seeing Israel. That same day, the fan approach another legendary actress, Vivica A. Fox, but this time, she wasn’t as polite as Henson. The clip of their interaction starts with Fox clearly irritated telling Israel “Don’t get loud with me like that.”


Folks in the comments of the clip were beyond baffled. “Damn two scrolls later and now he bothering Vivica. thank God Taraji got away,” @prettygurlmara87 responded. The video continued on as Fox got even more firm with the fan “Don’t do that. Alright?” she said to which Israel responded “yes ma’am.”

As Fox was walking away from the man, he continued harassing her saying “Sis, you looking utterly beautiful” before asking, “Can I get a little picture?” That’s when Fox had enough and simply went off. “Hey! Do me a favor. I told you don’t do that” and “No, you cannot,” she said after Israel insisted, “I can’t get no picture?”


Do you know out of line you have to be to make the “Soul Food” star scold you?! On TikTok, fans came to the actress’ defense with one user, @dahomiee_, saying “Vivica is no joke. You shouldn’t have to correct a grown man’s behavior.”

Another user, @dscover_ur_dzine_llc, warned “He’s going to cause this hotel to never have celebrity bookings again. Whoever he is, he was annoying and unprofessional.” We haven’t heard anything else from Israel or his antics since then, so maybe he got the message.