Watch Spike Lee’s Mo’ne Davis Documentary, I Throw Like a Girl

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Earlier this summer Mo’ne Davis became America’s sweetheart during the Little League World Series. Davis became the first girl to pitch a shutout in the history of the series, and the Philly native proved that throwing like a girl isn’t a bad thing after all.

A newly released documentary, I Throw Like a Girl, directed by Spike Lee and produced by Spike DDB for Chevrolet, gives the viewer a glimpse into the prodigy’s life by featuring interviews with her family, fellow players and coach.

Not only does the documentary focus on Davis’ baseball endeavors, but it also shows that she’s not too shabby when it comes to basketball. Lee did an excellent job bringing in the conversation of gender and sports, with commentary from the Art of Growing Up founder Julia Terry and Albert Chen, the journalist who remarkably covered Davis for Sports Illustrated.

Davis’ story is inspiring not only for girls but for anyone who has aspirations of becoming an athlete. Her spirit, teamwork and athleticism shine through and prove that she will be a force to be reckoned with in the future.