While some people spend time body-shaming Rihanna, she spends her time making a difference in the lives of children across the world. Earlier this year, Rihanna visited students in Malawi as part of her organization’s effort to raise money for education in developing countries.
Rihanna’s Clara Lionel Foundation joined forces with the Global Partnership for Education and Global Citizen to help students achieve their educational goals, and when Rihanna paid a visit to the Muzu school in Malawi, not only was she hands-on, but she also made it her goal to provide the children with better access to smaller classrooms and more schools.
Rihanna put her own math skills to use when she gave the students a lesson.
“I love that they learn in melody,” she said. “They adopt melody really, really quickly. And so, if you can use that as a learning tool, I think that’s the most brilliant, brilliant thing.”
The documentary sheds light on the issues facing students at Muzu, from poverty to hunger and the fact that a single teacher often has up to to 100 students in a class.
In addition to using her own organization to donate money, Rihanna wants her fans to step up to the plate by donating to the Global Partnership for Education. The goal is to help raise $3.1 billion to bring quality education to more than 870 million children in 89 countries between 2018 and 2020.