Join The Root as we live-stream WGBH TV's Basic Black program as it takes on the state of the black church in today's hip-hop world. As black parishioners evolve, is the black church addressing the changing needs, concerns and desires of its newest breed of congregants from the hip-hop generation?
Basic Black features a panel discussion with some of the black community's most notable scholars, editors, authors and more. This week's episode will feature Emmett Price II, professor of African-American history and musicology at Northeastern University, The Callie Crossley Show's Callie Crossley, Emerson College professor and author Kim McLarin and more.
The Root will participate via live chat, which you can join using the module below. Use it to comment and ask questions during and after the discussion.
To see the televised broadcast, log on to for your local listing.
Check out the live chat and live webcast below at 7:30 p.m. EDT on Friday, June 1, or at
<a href="" _cke_saved_href="" >Basic Black Live June1, 2012</a>