Join The Root as we live-stream WGBH TV's Basic Black program, which will present a women's roundtable to answer the question: Are the concerns of women of color being addressed?
Brandeis University professor Anita Hill will join Callie Crossley, host and executive editor of The Callie Crossley Show, Emerson College assistant professor Kim McLarin, Harvard Law School professor Lani Guinier, and state Sen. Sonia Chang-Diaz (D-Mass.) to discuss the concerns and issues of women of color within the landscape of this year's political election, including reproductive rights and health care reform.
Viewers can watch live online as experts address a variety of women's topics from this year's election and more.
The Root will participate via live chat, which you can join using the module below. Use it to comment and ask questions during and after the discussion.
To see the televised broadcast, log on to for your local listing.
Check out the live chat and live webcast below at 7:15 p.m. ET on Friday, March 16, or at
<a href="" _cke_saved_href="" >Basic Black Live March 16, 2012</a>
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