Atlanta fathers Kaleb and Kordale Lewis didn't expect to become famous a year ago when they posted a photo of them doing their daughters' hair, but the photo went viral, and the couple and their three children are now starring in a Nikon commercial as part of the camera company's I Am Generation Image campaign.
"What happened was, we were in the bathroom doing the girls' hair and I said, 'Oh let me take a picture.' … It was a simple, innocent picture … and then next thing you know it went viral. I’m still amazed today," Kordale Lewis explains in the commercial that shows a regular day in the lives of the dads raising their three kids.
The comments, both positive and negative, led Kordale Lewis to release a memoir titled Picture Perfect? that he hoped would spark a greater discussion around acceptance.
"While we were confronted with so much negativity, initially we chose to focus on the positive remarks about our lives and how we raise our children," Kordale Lewis told the Huffington Post. "Letting people into our lives will help shed light on our beautiful home life, and hopefully counter negative attitudes about homosexuals and raising children."
Almost a year later the picture that showed a moment in the life of two dads is still resonating, and the comments, especially the negative ones, have had no lasting impact.
"The comments were a trip," Kaleb Lewis says in the commercial. "It didn't make me feel any way because I know they don't know what we go through. I know they don't know our children. They don’t know our lifestyles; they don't know how we live. A picture is so much more than a thousand words."
Read more at the Huffington Post.