I’ll take “What We Already Know” for $1,000, Alex (as in Trebek, as in Jeopardy). It’s no secret that Hollywood carries a (tiki) torch for racism and that when movies feature a predominantly black cast, they’re considered “black movies,” and budgets and expectations are lower. Superstar actress Gabrielle Union stopped by The Root to talk about her amazing book, We’re Gonna Need More Wine, and in typical Gabrielle Union fashion, she got all the way real.
Union has spent over two decades in Hollywood, starring in both movies and TV shows, so she’s got an opinion or two on how it goes for black actors. “No matter how well you do, it is, ‘You did good for a black movie.’” Hollywood has a general demeanor, she says: “Look at this little black movie go!” Check out Union’s perfect read of Hollywood’s opinion about blackness in entertainment in the video above.