When you’ve lived to be 110 years old like Flossie Dickey, sometimes you just want to take a nap. Several naps. As many naps as you can muster in a day. I’m nowhere near 110, and naps are what keep me going and wrinkle-free.
Dickey was being interviewed by her local news station in Cheney, Wash., and the only thing she was interested in was drinking her cup of coffee and taking a nap.
During the interview, the reporter mentioned that Dickey’s family was throwing her a huge birthday party and asked if she was looking forward to it.
“Not one bit,” she said.
Flossie Dickey isn’t interesting in flossing at her party. She just wants to nap.
And Dickey had some amazing advice when asked her secret to longevity. Which I think is a rude question to ask older people. But Dickey’s answer wasn’t too bad.
“Don’t fight it. Live it,” she said.
I actually think her care provider had a little more insight on Dickey. According to her, Dickey is a jokester and is always playing jokes. So maybe Dickey was trolling the reporter. Or maybe she just wanted to nap.