Watch: Chicago Youths Clash in Epic Roman Candle Street Battle

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In a scene that rivals any action movie, a West Side street in Chicago teemed recently with youths engaged in an epic Roman candle shootout that was captured on video camera as streaks of white light illuminated and crackled in the night sky.

The viral YouTube video posted on June 2 shows scads of young people running through the streets firing Roman candles at one another. Some say the participants were friends engaged in high jinks, while others claim they were members of rival gangs, reports the Daily Mail.

“Roman candle battle on Western Ave. in Chicago. between 2 rival gangs. But also (as a local resident described) between friends who all knew each other and grew up together,” according to a Tumblr post, writes the Mail. “I did the same thing with my friends in the suburbs … not with the same context however. No one got hurt and the police came and broke it up.”


Besides leftover debris from fireworks, there were apparently no injuries and no obvious signs of damage, reports say. A dangerous game, but better than gunfire. We’re glad no one got hurt.

Watch the video here:

Read more at the Daily Mail.