Watch: A Chef Who Grew From the Concrete Jungle

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A Chef From the Jungle
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A passion for food led Lionel Tate on a journey to find out what real manhood meant. Tate is the owner of Tasty Tate’s Kitchen, an Instagram-based restaurant that has given Tate a whole new lease on life.

Tate says he thought he would gangbang for the rest of his life when he was 14 years old. And by 17, he was facing life without the possibility of parole for a crime he didn’t commit. “The world was ending before it started,” Tate said.


Tate knew that even though he was innocent of the crime, he was guilty of the lifestyle, and we all know how our justice system works.


As a troubled teen, Tate’s idea of manhood was embedded in gang and thug culture: money, women, material things. But now that he’s grown into a real man, his ideals have changed.


Tate knows that manhood is providing for his family and creating a productive life so that his son can look to him as an example.

Tate is an example of boldly believing in oneself despite the evidence that stacks up against black men, claiming that they’ll never succeed unless it’s through sports or music.


Meet Lionel Tate.