Mike Leach is the head coach of the Washington State football team. He also proved himself to be a fucking idiot after he tweeted out an obviously fake, conspiracy theorist video of former President Barack Obama under the guise of civil conversation:
According to SB Nation, the video was spliced together from a European Union speech Obama gave in 2014.
When followers tried to point out that it was impossible to have a conversation about a fake video, Leach just kept doubling down.
Because Leach insisted on having a real conversation about fake news, he just wouldn’t stop. Here’s how Yahoo! Sports summed it up:
All told, Leach asked Twitter users to “prove it” nine different times (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) as he continued to march through the internet battlegrounds, conveniently missing the many people trying to provide him with proof the video he shared was fake.
At one point, Leach asked a Twitter user a point-blank question that essentially summed up the whole exercise: “What’s a fact?”
Maybe Leach thought he was being deep. Maybe he was trolling. Maybe he was smoking K2. At this point, the only easily provable fact here is that Leach is an asshole with an agenda that reads like the majority of those who voted for Trump and dispute facts—provable facts—with conjecture and bullshit.