States are trying their hardest to win the “war on drugs” and deter teens from abusing that awful drug that can destroy their lives. No, I’m not talking about alcohol, I’m talking about marijuana. And recently, Washington state, which made marijuana legal in 2016, had some explaining to do after an anti-weed billboard in Yakima got some attention on social media.
St. Louis journalist Mike Faulk shared the photo he captured of the billboard, which reads, “We don’t need pot to have fun. We’re Hispanics … We’re cool by default.”
And yes, some people probably did find it offensive, so much so that the Department of Health had a lot of explaining to do in the end.
Julie Graham, a spokesperson for the department, issued a statement about the billboard and how it came to fruition. The billboard was designed by local kids in the area and was specifically aimed at the Latino population, The Republic reports.
According to the news site, Graham stated that the billboard would be removed and state officials would find another way to tell teens that weed is bad. Even though alcohol and nicotine are worse.