Another week, another preacher actin’ up instead of grown. In recent weeks, The Root has reported on T.D. Jakes ’ “swallowed” sermon and Kim Burrell’s diva-like “stop singing” moment. Now we’re airing out pastor Juanita Bynum, who went all the way off on her flock to in sermon many have called “homophobic.”
On stage, Bynum took her flock to task and shared her thoughts on their clothing and their character.
“Brothers, we wearing our pants too tight,” she said. “Them little bitty suits is worrying me. Them ones that’s high waters that’s cut all up in here till we can count how many you got down there. The way you shout scare me. Your knees too close to be a man. Just tipping when you shout. Open up your legs and shout like a man!”
With that said, we have a feeling that Bynum would have a problem with men like Dwayne Wade painting their nails, too.
When it came to women, Bynum was an equal opportunity rebuker, telling the women they shout like dudes and need to close their legs. “Where is our difference? The Bible say put a difference!” she ranted in the video that has gone TikTok viral.
Of course, the Black internet ain’t having it.
“I thought the people were supposed to come as they are?” @justellemurasaki posted on TikTok. “Why aren’t we talking about the Lord in the pulpit? You scare me, Dr. Bynum.”
Another added, “My likings for Dr. Juanita Bynum is well below zero,” said @pastormarca in a TikTok video. “You nitpicking at the women and how they dressing, you talking about the men and their tight pants. It seems like you have not been right ever since you spent the millions of dollars on that wedding that did not last for but a [snaps fingers].”
The condemnation of Bynum spread across X (formerly Twitter), too. “I don’t know who’s worse, Juanita Bynum or Kim Burrell. They get in these pulpits, spew hatred, and judge the next person. That’s why ppl distance themselves from the church. It’s full of hypocrites & hatred,” @itsLiterallyHim tweeted.
@solomonmissouri posted something similar: “There is a common thread that connects ministries like Kim Burrell and Juanita Bynum … and it’s not spirituality … but cruelty.”
@thatgrapejuice’s Instagram post, “Critics are branding #Juanitabynum’s latest viral sermon ‘homophobic’ for its references to men who ‘shout like women’ and vice versa,” collected 287 comments, including one from @devinlroberts727 that asked, “Is she looking for all men to reflect the one that beat her up in that hotel parking lot? Is that the masculine energy she wants all men to have? 🤔”
@musicology69, who has 77k posts on Insta, responded to @thatgrapejuice by calling Bynum a “Bible thumping nut case.” And @legreggory, who has nearly 40k IG followers, said “If I wasn’t saved, I’d cuss her ass out!”
This isn’t the first time Bynum has been on the wrong side of right. In the past, according to the Christian Post, she was called to task for trying to pimp folks for $1,500 prayer cloths during covid and she condemned people for dancing to secular music—something she was later caught doing herself, which had some calling her the exact opposite of a child of God.
This whole situation has us thinking we need to return to Wednesday night Bible study. We don’t recall any scripture that says “put a difference.” And—not trying to offend, but legit question—didn’t everybody wear robes in biblical times?
Tell us how you feel about Bynum’s comments below.