We’ve all gotten really comfortable with Zoom. In fact, some people have gotten a little too comfortable with the virtual meeting app. One man recently found out the hard way that you have to be careful what you reveal on camera, as it can lead to dire consequences in the wrong setting.
The internet was in shock on Wednesday when the clip of a court hearing made the rounds and the man at the center of it seemingly forgot why he was in court. Corey Harris Zoomed into his court hearing for driving with a suspended license....while he was actually driving a car! It’s not just that he’s clearly behind the wheel driving the car, but he also seems completely unaware of how ridiculous this all is.
The judge asks him if he’s driving and he explains that he’s currently parking the car. His lawyer jumps in to start the hearing, but the judge is so hilariously shocked by what he’s seeing, it doesn’t take long for him to revoke Harris’ bond and order him to report to the county jail or have a bench warrant issued.
It’s at this moment that Harris finally figures out how horribly he’s messed up. Even if you’ve been ignoring the law and driving without a license the whole time this issue has been going on, the one day that you don’t break the rules is the day of your court hearing.
This nonsense is so crazy, it will become a legend around the courthouse. Harris is now the “You won’t believe this guy” story that his lawyer and the judge tell their colleagues.
If you were watching this in a TV show, you would think it was a silly plot point. It’s so foolish you wouldn’t be able to realistically believe someone was that absent-minded. However, we look forward to seeing this play out in a “ripped from the headlines” episode of “Law & Order” next season.