VSB Events: Love Jones Cafe (7/28) | REMINSCE (8/2) | Naturalista Hair Show (8/3)

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In the next one of our VSB's is going to be all over DC talking, dancing, and shuckin' and jivin'.

First up, is the Love Jones Cafe held at The Howard Theatre on Monday, July 28, from 7-10pm, where Panama Jackson will be a panelist for a conversation about love and dating alongside Mr. #Pleasantries himself, Enitan Bereola II, and model/vixen Miss Lena Chase. The capper is a performance by venerable songbird, Teedra Moses!

Tickest can be purchased here ——-> www.thelovejonescafe.com

NEXT UP is the best damn 90s part in DC, hands down, REMINISCE, next Saturday, August(!) 2nd, from 930pm-3am. I know its the day of the Summer Spirit Festival, so go hang out in Columbia then come party with us after! As always, its FREE BEFORE 11PM w/RSVP ($10 otherwise) AND we have an OPEN BAR from 930-1030pm. You already know what it is, so come on down and get down with the get down!


RSVP for FREE ENTRY before 11pm: www.reminiscedc.eventbrite.com

And that same weekend, is the Naturalista Hair Show! Panama is again a featured panelist on Sunday, August 3rd from 1115am-1230pm (scroll down) for a discussion entitled, "The Men's Perspective Panel", presumably about our perspective of natural hair, et al.

The Men’s Perspective Panel features a panel of distinguished men discussing their perspective on the new natural hair phenomenon among black women and how it carries into relationships. The panel will be co-moderated by Multi-Media Journalist Ray Baker and Diana Ramsey of SistersWithBeauty.


Tickest for the two day event can be purchased here: www.thenaturalistahairshow.com/buy-tickets/