Virginia Beach Republican Party Chair Compares Blacks to Dogs

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What is going on in Virginia? Evan McMorris-Santoro of Talking Points Memo reports that Virginia Beach Republican Party Chair Dave Bartholomew forwarded a racist e-mail comparing African Americans to dogs. The e-mail subject line, "my dog," consists of a racist parable about African Americans and welfare. In the first 24 hours since the e-mail came to light, Democrats condemned Bartholomew and he resigned his position with the Republican Party. The actual content of the e-mail is as follows:

I went down this morning to sign up my Dog for welfare.

At first the lady said, "Dogs are not eligible to draw welfare".

So I explained to her that my Dog is black, unemployed, lazy, can't speak English and has no frigging clue who his Daddy is.

So she looked in her policy book to see what it takes to qualify…

My Dog gets his first check Friday.

Is this a great country or what?

Can you say, "True colors"? There are no words.

Read more at TPM.