The culture of WorldStarHipHop and MediaTakeOut has created an atmosphere where videos showing teens fighting and abusing each other are all too common and often encouraged. Any time there is a hint of a fight getting started, people break out their phones to record, and no one intervenes to stop it.
A video that is currently going viral on Twitter shows just the opposite of that, and it is a welcome sight for sore eyes.
Originally posted by Twitter user @DubOnDaBeatz, the video shows two black teenage boys beginning to fight as a crowd of teens surround them, cheering them on and filming with their phones. As the skirmish gets underway, the crowd temporarily breaks apart, and as the two boys negotiate resuming the fight, a black man approaches them and the surrounding crowd and addresses them directly.
“All y’all with y’all phones out? Everybody with their phones out? Y’all the real cowards. Record that, too. Everybody recording on their phones real cowards,” the man says.
He explains to the two boys fighting that the crowd around them is smiling and laughing and making them a joke. He tells them that they are the only ones mad, while the rest of the crowd is still standing there laughing at them and mocking their anger.
He tells the boys that they are men, and they need to start acting like it.
“Don’t make your parents look like this. Don’t make your mom and dad look like this, man,” he says.
He tells them to stop playing games and stands there until the two combatants shake hands.
In the end, he defuses the situation. The fight is over, and what we are left with is the best video on the Internet.
And of course, Twitter approved.
As @DubOnDaBeatz said in his caption, we need more people like the man in this video to step up.
When I was younger, a neighbor would see you doing wrong and snatch your ass up before your mama could. Now everything is so PC, and people are afraid to say anything to anyone else’s kids for fear of ignorant backlash, and that is sad.
There is truth to the proverb “It takes a village.”
It does take a village, and thankfully, this man stepped up to do his part.