A video has gone viral of a Black teenager giving a fiery eulogy, slamming their white father as a Trump-loving racist. The original TikTok has been deleted but copies of the video have circulated almost every social media platform. Many users found it more suitable to deliver such comments if he was alive breathing, sparking a debate on whether the comments were appropriate given he was deceased.
Saga (they/them), who refers to themselves as a Black supremacist in their TikTok bio, posted a video of their speech at their father’s funeral, per The Independent. Saga denounced him as a racist and said they won’t miss him.
Read an excerpt from her speech:
“I missed the idea that one day you might help me fight for the things that matter. I miss my fantasy of you - Because when you died, it solidified the fact that you’ll never be what you could have been, but only what you are. And what you are is a racist, misogynistic, xenophobic, Trump-loving, cis, straight white man. That is all you will ever be to me. You are everything I aspire not to be…I swear to god, I will make this world a better place. Not at all because of you, but in exact opposition to you.”
Wow. As you can imagine, the internet trolls (especially the radical right) slammed Saga for their comments and called them disrespectful, toxic and wicked.
“I don’t curse often but sincerely this person is the best example of a S*** human being. How f**king dare you say anything like this when your father passed away. This is someone who is so entitled they never had to know loss of any kind. This is disgusting,” tweeted one user in response to the video.
Others ran to Saga’s defense, applauding them for speaking their truth. TikTokers commented on the video thanking Saga for their bravery to say the very things some are too afraid to.
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However, the 19-year-old reportedly defended their speech to The National Desk (TND), noting that they wanted to “stand firm in their truth and speak it no matter what dissenting opinions would say.”
“Funerals and speeches are to provide solace to the people giving them,” Saga told TND. “My solace was in my truth. It was in expressing and condemning all of the trauma my father has caused me and expressing my grief the way I needed to express it.”
“Some people think the funeral wasn’t the right place but what was the right place? When EVER would I get another opportunity to speak my truth and not just on TikTok to a screen but REALLY speak it,” Saga added. “A part of me wanted to prove to myself that I had the bravery and the balls to be able to stand in my truth and belt it out to whoever could hear which is why I did it.”
This is probably not the first time a deceased person has been dragged for filth at their home-going ceremony. The gravity of Saga’s comments make it seem as if they’d been holding it in their whole life. But forreal, did they do too much?