Remind us always to wait five to seven days before being overly touched by a heartwarming headline. Pedro Quezada, the 44-year-old bodega owner who won a $338 million Powerball jackpot on Tuesday, seemed like exactly the type of person you hope catches a break — a hardworking native of the Dominican Republic who declared, "My family is a very humble family and we're going to help each other out," and "I'm going to help a lot of people, whatever they need," when he received the good news.
Aww. Well, sort of. Hopefully when he said "a lot of people," he also meant his children, for whom it turns out he owes $29,000 in child support, according to NBC Latino. That's a number that sounds more like "I decided not to pay" than "I fell on hard times and fell behind."
There's even an outstanding warrant in his name, according to Passaic County, N.J., Sheriff Richard Berdnik, who told NBC Latino that the state will make sure Quezada settles the child-support bill before he gets the remainder of his winnings, but we certainly hope he gives his kids more than the law requires from here on out.
Read more at NBC Latino.