Vanessa and Eddie Long Divorce in Play Again?

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EURweb is reporting today that Bishop Eddie Long's wife, Vanessa, is filing for divorce after all.

The news comes after it was revealed on Friday that she had filed papers to divorce the New Birth Missionary Baptist Church pastor "after a great deal of deliberation and prayer." By early afternoon, she announced that "upon prayerful reflection," she had withdrawn the petition.

In a statement issued late Friday, Mrs. Long’s attorney says “she has determined that dismissal of her divorce petition is not appropriate at this time.”


… The split comes more than a year after allegations that Eddie Long used his lavish lifestyle and position of spiritual authority to lure four young men into sexual relationships. Long settled the cases but has never admitted to any wrongdoing.


Source: EURweb.

Our question still stands: Besides "prayerful reflection," what else is going on behind the scenes of this interminable mega-church scandal?


Read more at EURweb and CBS News, and check out previous coverage at The Root.