It isn’t like the world is facing a global pandemic so devastating that Spain is currently using an ice skating rink to house dead bodies, so naturally, the president of the United States took time out of his busy day of applying “Pumpkin vomit,” as blush from Taylor Swift’s makeup line “Meh-o-naise,” to tweet his support to Senator Mitt Romney after he tested negative for the coronavirus. And by support, I mean he hopped on Twitter to troll the Utah senator for not being sick and for not being the kind of Republican he likes.
On Tuesday, Romney, the one-time Republican nominee for president, said that he’d tested negative for the coronavirus but will stay quarantined as his wife, Ann, has multiple sclerosis, “which makes her highly at risk if she develops the deadly infection,” the Daily Beast reports.
Because Trump is a petty bitch who can’t stop trolling even in a time of global crisis, Trump took to Twitter to note:
“This is really great news! I am so happy I can barely speak. He may have been a terrible presidential candidate and an even worse U.S. Senator, but he is a RINO, and I like him a lot!”
According to the Daily Beast, a “RINO”—Republican In Name Only—is a right-wing Republican smear used for party members who they feel aren’t conservative enough.
Twitter tried to remind Trump that being a petty bitch is a character trait that he doesn’t have to exercise during a pandemic.
Someone even offered Trump a way to save face during this difficult time: