US Open: Venus a Winner, Serena Up Next

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The Huffington Post reports that after a 6-4, 6-3 victory over Vesna Dolonts at the US Open, Venus Williams is continuing her battle to stay physically healthy while cheering on her sister, who's up next and has already had a good summer:

[Venus] Williams returned to tennis on the big stage Monday, winning her first match at the U.S. Open after a two-month break she needed to fight off a viral illness …

Serena opens play Tuesday against Bojana Jovaovski in much the same situation as her sister — seeded a lowly 28th after missing a big chunk of the year with an injury. But unlike Venus, who had not played a competitive match since Wimbledon, Serena has had a good lead up to the U.S. Open, winning two tournaments earlier this month.


"I think how she's played has been amazing," Venus Williams said. "It was definitely motivating to see her do so well this summer. But I know she can play. She knows she can play tennis. I know I can play tennis, so of course it's great to see those results. But I know I have it in me, also."


Read more at the Huffington Post.

In other news: Katt Williams' Anti-Mexican Rant.
