In a blog entry at The Root DC, motivational speaker Matthew C. Horne dismantles the adage "You can be whatever you want to be." He says that some things in life cannot be achieved, no matter how hard people work. Everyone, however, is born with a gift.
… Without question I believe we all possess this sphere of perfection, but the experience of operating in it is activated by a choice to set our inner desires and pictures of destiny in motion, and push the boundaries of what we see ourselves being able to create.
The universe gives us clues as to what our “It” is in life; often through various effortless gifts which we somehow have no explanation for the effectiveness and brilliance which embody these talents. Exploring talents which are a reflection of a perfection which logic cannot explain are very pointed steps in the direction of your sphere of perfection.
… I’m reminded of when the current NBA MVP Derrick Rose was being interviewed after a game last season where his performance was so divine that night he had to pay homage to the all-knowing omniscient creator who gave him the ability to perform the way he did.
His words go as follows: “God gave me the ability to get through holes very quickly, and I am blessed to have this talent.” After dominating a game in which he was playing against the most elite basketball players on the planet, his performance was so awe striking that he could not take credit for it because he was operating in a sphere beyond logic, into the realm of supernatural perfection.
Read Matthew C. Horne's entire blog entry at The Root DC.