Unarmed Black Man Shot 10 Times by Sheriff's Deputy Who Gave Him a Ride Home

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Photo: Jaromir Chalabala (Shutterstock)

Neither Derek Chauvin’s guilty verdict nor the unending wave of anti-police violence protests that have taken place in America has put an end to police shootings of Black people. In fact, not only are the shootings still happening, but they’re getting more bizarre. On Wednesday, in Spotsylvania County, Virginia, a Black man was shot ten times by a sheriff’s deputy who had just given him a ride home after his car broke down. The deputy reportedly opened fire on the man after he left and was called back to the home and, as far as the man’s family can tell, he started shooting for no reason whatsoever.

NBC Washington reports that 32-year-old Isaiah Brown is currently in intensive care after being shot in his face, neck, chest and pelvic area, according to his family.


“The officer just started shooting at him for no reason,” Brown’s mother, Tazmon Brown, told NBC. “I didn’t hear a warning shot. All I heard was ‘Hands up!’ one time. And all he had was his phone, so I know he put his hands up.”


His sister, Yolanda Brown, echoed the same sentiments saying that she’s “just still trying to figure out where he felt the threat at, to feel the need to shoot.”


Police confirmed that Brown was unarmed at the time of the shooting and, according to his family, Brown is the one who called the police back in the first place—so, seriously, what the fuck?

From NBC:

State police and Brown’s siblings say Brown’s interactions with the deputy began when Brown’s car broke down at about 2:30 a.m. Wednesday at a gas station on Route 3, several miles from his home in the 12200 block of West Catharpin Road. The deputy, who is white, gave Brown, who is Black, a ride home.

Brown’s brother talked with the deputy when they arrived.

“He was like, ‘Your brother is fine. He’s not in trouble. His car broke down and I gave him a ride,” he said.

Not long after the deputy left, Isaiah Brown called 911.

The sheriff’s office categorized the call as a domestic situation between Isaiah Brown and a family member. A source within the county sheriff’s office said he was complaining about his brother.

Tazmon Brown said he believes his brother just wanted a ride back to his car because he was worried it might get towed.

The same deputy who helped Isaiah Brown earlier returned. Within minutes, he opened fire.


State police said that they have body camera footage of the incident but that they will not release it or comment on “any motive or circumstances” regarding the shooting. Officials said that all findings related to the investigation will be turned over to a special prosecutor. Understandably, Brown’s family isn’t happy about the lack of transparency and is currently seeking legal representation as well as help from the local NAACP chapter.