Ugandan Newspaper to Gays: 'Hang Them'

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Fresh from our "Are you kidding?" file, a Ugandan newspaper (Rolling Stone, not to be confused with the American music publication) has published names, photos and addresses of people it claims to be gay, alongside a banner screaming, "Hang Them." The article comes near the one-year anniversary of legislator David Bahati's introduction of a bill that would have made homosexuality punishable by life in prison or, in some cases, execution. Numerous reports, including an in-depth investigation by Public Research Associates, established that Bahati and his bill were spurred along by U.S.-based Christian conservatives who are now peddling their American brand of hate in sub-Saharan Africa. That's not very Christ-like. Since the article ran, at least four Ugandans on the list have been attacked, and many others are in hiding. The newspaper was shut down, not for running the article, but for being unregistered. The world truly has gone mad.

Read more at Colorlines.