Nude activists storm House Speaker John Boehner's office: They were protesting a proposal to reduce funding to AIDS prevention and research. Safe to say they got some attention.
Uganda to vote on anti-gay legislation: Homosexual acts are illegal in Uganda, but new legislation endorsed by a committee of the country's members of Parliament increases the penalties. Foreign donors have threatened to cut aid if gay rights are not respected, the BBC reports.Â
Special election to replace Jesse Jackson Jr.: The Illinois House has unanimously voted to set the special election to replace him for April 9. He offered his resignation last Tuesday, just over two weeks after being re-elected to the U.S. House of Representatives.
For Detroit's Key Wane, college graduation has two degrees of success: BlackEnterprise profiles the 22-year-old rapper, who says, "There are always going to be chances to do the music thing once I finish," Wane said, checking his calendar and messages on his iPhone. "I don't want my mom paying for anything else. People get comfortable; I don't."